Berggasthaus - Biohof - Lofer

Category News

Winter 2024

Dear guests, in Lofer spring already arrived and the first flowers show up. All the snow is gone. Nevertheless we want to show you some pictures of our winter 2024. Our restaurant is open until Easter-Monday (1st of April). After… Continue Reading →

Summer and Autumn 2023

Dear guests, summer 2023 is over now. We want to thank you all for your visit! At the beginning of November we have our annual Martini goose festival (more Info find here: Link). After that our restaurant will be closed… Continue Reading →

Martini-Goose-Festival 2023

Dear guests, our annual Martini-Goose-Festival takes place from 4th to 5th November and from 11th to 12th November (Saturday and Sunday throughout the day). It is also possible to prepare your Goose at home: we are also selling our Gooses… Continue Reading →

Spring 2023

Dear guests, since 23th May our restaurant is open again. During winter we did a lot of renovation work. Our 4 guest rooms got new bathrooms. We also changed the lights and the floors of the rooms. Be suprised! Here… Continue Reading →

Winter Greetings 2023

Dear guests, winter 2022/2023 is nearly over. It was a pity that there were not really good snow conditions most of the time … But it also had advantages: the street to our restaurant was most of the time without… Continue Reading →

Summer/Autumn 2022

Dear Guests, the summer of 2022 will come to an end soon. Our restaurant will be open until Sunday, 9th October. We have a break until Christmas then. We only open during 2 weekends in November for our annual Martini… Continue Reading →

Martini-Goose-Festival 2022

Dear guests, our annual Martini Goose Festival 2022 takes place from 5th to 6th November (throughout the day) and from 11th to 13th November (Friday evening, Saturday and Saturday throughout the day). It is also possible to prepare your Goose… Continue Reading →

Enjoying Spring

Dear guests, our restaurant is closed at the moment. We are working on our farm and in our restaurant. We will open again soon and have two surprises for you: we are renovating our toilets and for our small guests… Continue Reading →

Video of our Farm

Dear guests, watch a video of our farm which the tourism agency of Lofer made for us:

Winter Greetings 2022

Dear guests, winter 2022 is nearly over. During the Easter holidays (9th to 18th April 2022) our restaurant will be open again. Then it closes until May. On a farm there is always a lot of work during spring: repair… Continue Reading →

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